Guidelines for Submissions
Southern New Mexico Historical Review

General guidelines: There is no stipend for articles published, but each author will receive a copy of the Review in which the article appears. Articles which have been previously published in other periodicals will not normally be considered unless there is a compelling reason to do so. Clear information concerning prior publication should accompany submissions. A copy of the manuscript should be kept by the author. The original submission may not be returned or may be returned with editorial marks or comments. The Doņa Ana County Historical Society assumes no responsibility for lost or misdirected manuscripts.
Length and format: Manuscript should be double-spaced on 8-1/2 x 11 inch paper, one side only, standard margins. All text, block quotations, captions, tables, notes and references must be double-spaced. The maximum length should be about 17 pages, including all illustrative materials and documentation. An electronic copy on disk or via email in Microsoft Word or simple text is also desirable. Length and subject matter should be discussed with the editor at:
Illustrations, documentation and style:Authors are encouraged to submit photographs, maps, tables, and/or illustrations with each article. All photographs and other illustrations should be unmounted and identified on the back with date, source, and a brief descriptive caption. The editor prefers photographs and illustrations already scanned at 300 dpi - that way no originals leave your hands.  Maps should include scale and a north directional arrow. All tables should be numbered, briefly titled, and cited by number in the text. Consult The Chicago Manual of Style (14th edition) regarding documentation (endnote format) and other questions of style. Contact the Review editor at if you have any questions.
Vita: A brief (100 to 150 words) biographical sketch of the author together with name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address should accompany submissions.
Address all submissions to the address below - however this is negotiable with the editor if everything can be done by email.  Contact the editor at
Southern New Mexico Historical Review
Doņa Ana County Historical Society
P.O. Box 16045
Las Cruces, NM  88004

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