People, Place And Author Awards |
People Awards
The Hall of Fame Award
The Hall of Fame Award is designed
to recognize an individual chosen by the DACHS Board of Directors who
is known for exceptional contributions to the preservation of the
history and culture of the Mesilla Valley. The contribution should be
of a substantial nature and be evidenced by enduring and observable
worth to the Doņa Ana County Historical Society and the community at
large. The person being recognized can be living or dead. Selection
should be guided by the strict adherence to the preservation, history
and cultural aspects of the award description.
Mail-in Nomination form
The Heritage Award
The Heritage Award was "established to be
given to a person or persons whose actions or deeds have contributed to
the historical or cultural heritage of Doņa Ana County and who is (are)
not an avocational or professional historian." Mail-in Nomination form
Building And Place Awards
Building Adhering to Regional Architecture
This award
recognizes a building in Doņa Ana County built in recent times that
follows the historical architectural style characteristic of New Mexico
and the Southwest. Residential and commercial / industrial buildings in
Doņa Ana County are eligible and owners may also nominate.
Mail-in Nomination form
Building Worthy of Preservation
This award is given to
recognize a building in Doņa Ana County that is distinguished by its
age and historical character, its historical significance, or that
represents historical architectural character. The purpose of this
award is to encourage an owner to preserve the uniqueness of the
building. Residential and commercial / industrial buildings in Doņa Ana
Cowunty are eligible and owners may also nominate. Mail-in Nomination form
Buildings and Properties with Historical Significance
This designation can be applied to a property, including a district, a
building, or structure, or an object, which is at least fifty years
old. Criteria used to evaluate historic significance of a property
include association with a significant historic event or person and /
or incorporation within the property of historic characteristics of a
period of time or a method of construction or an architectural
style. Mail-in Nomintation Form
Noteworthy Restoration
This award recognizes a restoration of a historic building in Doņa Ana
County, not necessarily adhering to strict preservation standards.
Mail-in Nomination form
Endangered Historic Property
This designation is used to identify a historic building or structure,
a site, or landscape that is endangered because of a threat to its
continuing historic significance. The treat may come from neglect or
abandonment, urban sprawl, inappropriate zoning, natural weathering or
building techniques using incompatible materials. Mail-in Nomintation Form
The Old Timer's Award
The Old Timer's Award recognizes a cherished object, natural
phenomenon, or cultural tradition prominent in Mesilla Valley heritage.
Selection should be confined to that which deserves public attention
and that which would otherwise escape recognition as an important part
of the physical character of this region. People are excluded. It is not mandatory that the award be given each year. Mail-in Nomination form
Author Awards
Pasajero del Camino Real Award
This award honors an author
or authors of a significant historical publication about events,
persons, places or issues in Doņa Ana County or the nearby area. An
author who has previously received this award will be eligible to
receive it again for another work. Mail-in Nomination form
The Gemoets Prize
This award identifies the author of the "Outstanding Article" in the current Southern New Mexico Historical
review and is named after SNMHR's founders and long-time supporters,
Doris and Martin Gemoets. It could also be awarded to an individual who
made a contribution to the development and continuance of the review or
to the outstanding article in the review as determined by the editor.
Katherine D. Stoes Prize
This award was established by the officers of DACHS in 2003 to
recognize outstanding writing or historical editing in the current
issue of the Southern New Mexico Historical Review. Selection by the DACHS board.
The Hiram Hadley Prize
This award was established by the
officers of DACHS in 2003 to recognize the best article on pioneer
history in the current issue of the Southern New Mexico Historical Review. Selection by the Review editor.